An Introduction on Bone Beads

Beads are a decorative item that is threaded and used to create jewelry and other items. What we will talk about today is bone beads. These beads are made from actual bones which are shaped and threaded to use in decorating. Whether adding spacer beads or not, they will make a pretty bracelet.

It is said that one of the reasons bone beads were popular was because people could not go to the grocery store and buy a steak long ago. Instead, they had to hunt and butcher the animal, then clean and cook it. During this process there were a lot of by-products including the bones. In order not to waste anything, people began to make them into decorative beads. Although primitive tools were not able to do as much as the tools we have now. Bone was soft enough to be shaped into various shapes. This is also what led to the development of bone beads.

Bone beads also played a part in rituals and were used for signal specific things. Certain members of a tribe may have worn certain bone beads or may have had a certain number of bone beads.

In terms of maintenance of jewelries, we need to pay extra attention to that of bone beads. Because when the bone is removed from the living creatures, it will become more delicate because there is no nutriment to support its activity. So besides current maintenance, we also need to know other elements that may affect the quality of bone beads. Firstly, the bones cant be exposed too much to the sunshine and drying. When the beads get wet, try not to use drier . The best way is to use tissue to dry it out. And we also need to dry the moisture in the crack or holes as well as the thread. Secondly, If the air conditioner is on, the dry air may lead to the crack of beads, so it is better to place a humidifier as well. Or you can place a glass of water next to it. Thirdly, before threading the beads, it is suggested to soak them in the oil. On the one hand, it will help protecting the inside of the bead, on the other hand, the Chinese knotting cord wont absorb water that easily.

Of course there are more you need to know if you are interested in bone beads, above are the most basic things you need to know. If you decide to start making your own bone beads jewelry, you can visit our website and purchase the materials you may need.



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