An Introduction on lava beads

Lava rock beads are, as their name suggests, made from cooled down molten rock , which is the lava. When a volcano erupts, the temperatures reaches as high as 1,000 degrees Celsius and the rocks were melted and spill out of the volcano and flows away as lava until it cooled down and became black or gray porous structure.

Because of the unconventional forming process and origin, people believe it represents rebirth or renewal. As an earthy and intense mineral created from volcanoes, lava rock is said to have the power of balancing the emotions and bring about calmness and strength. Thus it can help keep tempers in check and also help its wearer to work through problems in a logical way. And as a power stone, it gives you the courage and strength to follow your dream when you are down.

Nowadays these beads are becoming very popular for their unique shape and sponge-like textures. And their unconventional forming process also added a sense of attraction to it, making them an interesting element in jewelry design.

Lava Rock beads are favored in jewelry making also because of the extremely light weight, so they are very comfortable to wear. And If you dont like the color gray or black, modern technology allow the manufactures to dye them into other different colors too.

Besides the strong points mentioned above, there is another special use about lava beads. Thanks to its porous surface and the loose structure, we can make them into a perfect portable diffuser. What you need to do is using the Chinese knotting cord or copper wire to thread the lave beads and make your own bracelet. Then place a drop of your favorite essential oil on one of the beads on the bracelet. Wait a few minutes for the oil to be absorbed into the bead and then put it on. What a great ideal, isnt it

We hope you can find more interesting stories about jewelry beads.



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