About the Glass Pearls

Natural pearls are a type of precious gemstone made by living creature named oyster or mollusk. When a foreign substance enters the soft mantle tissue inside of them, a crystalline substance named nacre is secreted from the epithelial cell to cover and wrap the invader. Because the formation of natural pearl usually takes long time and are unpredictable, they are often expensive and valuable.

Compared with natural ones, imitation pearls are much more available and cheap. They are man-made beads that are designed to resemble real pearls. From the appearance, it is hard to tell if they are natural ones or imitated. A variety of methods are used to create imitation pearls from starting materials that include glass or plastic. In this article, we mainly discuss the production of glass pearls.

Making glass beads is an art that is found in some of the earliest histories of humankind. A popular way to make glass pearls is to cover the outside of solid glass beads with essence dorient or pearl powder in order to imitate the natural iridescence of nacre. In modern times, a complete manufacturing industry has formed to mass produce glass beads of all sizes, shapes and colors. Thanks to the development of technology, the glass pearls become available to almost everyone.

AS for the defects of glass pearls, with the time passes or harsh treatment such as friction, the outside coating of glass pearls can peel off from the surface, leaving the dull appearance. Compared with pearl and shell pearl, glass pearl is the cheapest. In this case, if you are interested in learning jewelry designing or DIY, you may also feel like purchasing some cheap chains or maybe pearl earring findings to practice because they are much cheaper than the real ones and you will know more about jewelry while making.



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