New DIY Ideas in Customer Show

After sharing so many ideas, we have also received many great works from our customer. Some of them are really special and attractive that we would like to share them with you too and hope they can help you create new type of handicraft so we can learn from each other.

The first one we chose is a pair of golden earring pendant. As you can see, the production procedure is not hard. You only need to find the correct earring components and inlay the glass pointed rhinestone of different sizes in it, then add the earring stud to the pendant, the earring will be finished. This item is easy to make but is very pretty. With some patience, even new learners can make them easily.

The second one is a pendant necklace and some other tassels. The color is really stunning that you will be attracted by it as the first sight. At the top of the pendant, there is a rhombus made of different layers of colorful beads. And at the bottom, there are waves of beads. From light to dark, I guess the producer is pretty familiar with color matching.

The third one is also a pendant necklace. It uses the same idea as tree of life and made some change. Use aluminum wire to thread beads of different shapes and create a tree full of blossoms. And thanks to the photographer, the dull background sets the bright colors of the flower off. Besides the beautiful design of the pendant, the composition and color matching are great too. These elements together made up of a good picture.

Above are today’s sharing of customer shows. If you have good pictures of your production, welcome to contact us. We will share your work with other customers too.



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