Using Abalone Shell to Make Jewelries

Shell jewelry is a type of jewelry that is primarily made from the shells of marine mollusks. One very common form of shell jewelry is shell bracelet or necklaces that are composed of large numbers of beads, which you can often see sold as souvenirs in the beaches. These belongs to the basic shell jewelry because they usually don’t need too much further process except for collecting the shells, cleaning them, then drilling and threading.
If you are looking for some more attractive shell jewelries, then abalone shells are highly recommended. From one side the shell looks plain because it is covered by other sea crustaceans; but on the other side it shines with stunning colors and beautiful iridescence, displaying vivid blues, greens and pinks, all combined in a spectacular modern art styled pattern.

These are some pictures of pendants and earring components that displays the pattern or motif of the abalone shells. And these has been processed already. It is said that each shell embodies a unique display of colour and markings, almost like the human fingerprint, therefore no two pieces are exactly the same. keeping one of them can mean something special.

Not all shell jewelry is made from whole shells; Sometimes making a jewelry doesn’t need the whole abalone shell. People may just get a small patch of it and clean and polish the two sides to make the jewelry. For example, if you are making a pendant necklace, a small fraction will be enough if you don’t want it to be too big or heavy.

Besides the shell, abalone can also produce pearls though it rarely happens. It is only about one in several hundred abalone that may have a pearl and the pearl may or may not be pretty because some may have sharp edges and forms that are not useful for jewelry. 



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