White Angel Pendant Necklace

Hi today we will make something really cute and lovely. It is a white angel pendant necklace. If you learned it, you can either wear it yourself or send it as a gift to your relatives’ babies. They will love this cute toy.

First we will prepare the materials we need. We will need glass beads, white and golden imitation pearl of different sizes, drop beads of different sizes, black acrylic beads, bead caps, bridge spacers, jump rings, head pin, chains, copper wire, scissors and pliers.

Now we will start making.
Step 1
Thread 5 white glass beads and one golden imitation pearl bead through the wire and let the golden bead end of the wire go back and thread the glass bead. Then add another 3 white glass beads and 1 golden imitation pearl to it.
Step 2
Let the wire go back through the white glass bead which is next to the golden pearl and add a drop bead to the wire. Now wring the two ends of the wire together.

Step 3
Thread a pin through a larger size of drop bead and twine the previous wire to it. This will be the left wing of the angel. Repeat the previous steps and finish making the right wing.

Step 4
Thread the wire thorough the spacer bridge to fix it and then cut off the wire. Now thread the pin through the black bead, bead cap as well as an imitation pearl in order and make a ring in the end. Now the little angel pendant has been finished. In the last step, connect the chain and the pendant. Now you had your angel necklace.

Above is all about the tutorial of the necklace, did you get how to make it? Welcome to let us know if you have better ideas.



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