Ideal on Making Pink Acrylic Beads Necklace

This necklace mainly consists of acrylic beads and the design looks elegant and luxury. Come and make one to match your spring dress.

Acrylic Beads, Imitation Clouds Style, Two Tone Color, Light Salmon, 8~29x4~20x4~16mm
Imitated Pearl Acrylic Beads, Round, White, 3mm
Fishing Thread Nylon Wire, White, 0.2mm
Stainless Steel Screw Clasps, Oval, Stainless Steel Color, 12x5mm

Flat nose pliers

The process will need more patience and attention. But it worth spending time on this jewelry making. The most important is to know how to thread beads.
1. Thread one pink acrylic bead and several imitated pearl acrylic beads. Make sure that the length of pearl beads can up to half circle of the center bead.
2. Put the wire across the pink bead again. And begin to thread the another half circle of pearl beads in the same wire. Then put the wire through the middle bead again.
3. Use another wire to thread pearls and connect them together by needle. You can sew them together. And thread two rows of pearls beads.
4. Repeat step 1-3. Thread the rest beads in the same way.
5. When you get enough beads, you can only thread pearls beads in two rows. This is the links of the jewelry making.
6. Put the iron jump ring on two sides of the links.
7. Add screw clasps.

The process may cost a little time, but it is a beautiful necklace on the whole.



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