PandaHall Idea on Seed Beads Snowman Earrings

Hello everyone, it's starting to snow in most areas now. Have you seen the snow? Whenever it snows or not, I always like to call my best friends to make a snowman or go snowball fights. Today I want to teach you how to make a simple seed beads snowman earrings.



Now not much to say, let's get started! First we need the following materials.



Japanese Seed Beads                        Matte White

Japanese Seed Beads                        Matte Black  

Japanese Seed Beads                        Galvanized Champagne

Japanese Seed Beads                        Light Squash

Japanese Seed Beads                        Shanghai Red

Nylon Wire                                   Clear

Iron Jump Rings                              Golden

Brass Earring Hooks                          Golden 

Flat nose pliers






1. Use a needle to string together two black seed beads.

2. On the basis of a black seed bead on the needle, string into a black seed bead just made.

3. String them together.

4. Repeat the action just now until you have four seed beads. On the basis of a black seed bead on the needle, pass through a black seed bead as shown in the picture.




1. Now you have five beads.

2. Repeat the action just now, and then string two black seed beads.

3. On the basis of the needle with two black seed beads, pass through one black seed bead.

4. Use a needle to string back the black seed beads in the second row.



1. String a black seed bead on the needle.

2. Continue to string black seed beads.

3. String the second row of black seed beads.

4. Continue to skewer until the hat is skewered.



1. Following the method just now, string five golden seed beads and one red seed bead on the fourth row.

2. Repeat the steps just now until we string a snowman.

3. Next take out our iron jump rings and brass earring hooks.

4. Use flat nose pliers to join them together.


Our snowman is ready, is it very simple? Hurry up and try it. Soon you can also have a unique little snowman.



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